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merasa ragu bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "merasa ragu"
  • merasa:    feel; feeling of; felt; perceive; perceived;
  • ragu:    doubting; raise eyebrows; raised eyebrows;
  • merasa ragu-ragu:    in teo minds
  • merasa ragu akan:    be uncertain about
  • ragu:    doubting; raise eyebrows; raised eyebrows; raising eyebrows; incertain; uncertainty; worried; ambivalent; doubtful; unsure; wonder; fear; hot and cold; afraid; anxious; hesitate; androgynous; feel b
  • ragu ragu:    halfhearted; luke; piss-warm; laodicean
  • ragu-ragu:    be into minds about; double minded; doubtful; dubious; hesitant; hesitate; hum and haw; irresolute; sceptical; undecided; worry; ambivalent; doubt; falter; faltering; hang back; hover; indecisive; t
  • merasa:    feel; feeling of; felt; perceive; perceived; perceiving; wonder; feel as if / as though; have; take; finger; undergo; palpate; try; sample; register; experience; find; scent; nose; savour; taste; fe
  • merasa was-was:    misgive
  • bergerak ragu-ragu:    waver
  • bersifat ragu-ragu:    skeptical
  • cadangan piutang ragu-ragu:    bad debets allowance; reserve for bad-debt
  • dengan ragu-ragu:    doubtfully; hesitantly; in doubt; tentatively
  • dengan tanpa ragu-ragu:    readyly
  • dengan tidak ragu-ragu:    undoubtably
  • If it doesn't feel right, you call it off. Understand?
    Jika merasa ragu, segera batalkan, Mengerti?
  • I was wondering who would be your champion!
    Aku merasa ragu siapa yang akan menang darimu!
  • ...we are starting to get doubts about your family!
    ..kami mulai merasa ragu pada keluarga anda!
  • It helps me in times when I'm feeling unsure.
    Ini membantuku saat aku merasa ragu.
  • Wondering if anything will go right
    Merasa ragu jika segalanya akan berjalan dengan baik
  • You're just looking for another way to back out.
    Kau mencari jalan dengan menyalahkannya karena kau merasa ragu.
  • I'm ambivalent about what we're attempting.
    Aku merasa ragu tentang yang akan kita lakukan.
  • But I was wondering if I should
    Tapi aku merasa ragu, apakah aku harus.
  • Wondering, "was I a good dad?
    Merasa ragu, "apakah aku ayah yang baik?"
  • If you're having second thoughts or doubts, just tell me.
    Jika kau berubah pikiran atau merasa ragu, katakanlah padaku.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5